40 products

  • Shelly Pro 3EM 3-Phasen Stromverbrauchsmessgerät inkl. 3x Stromwandler 120A

    Shelly Pro 3EM 3-Phasen Stromverbrauchsmessgerät inkl. 3x Stromwandler 120A

    Der Shelly Pro 3EM ist ein präzises 3-Phasen-Stromverbrauchsmessgerät, das einfach per WLAN, LAN oder Bluetooth verbunden wird. Mit einer beeindruckenden Messgenauigkeit von 1% überwacht er den Energieverbrauch all deiner Haushalts- und Arbeitsgeräte individuell, was dir eine umfassende Kontrolle und Optimierung ermöglicht Diese Daten speichert er bis zu 60 Tage lang, wobei jede Minute detaillierte Messwerte geliefert werden. Im Gegensatz zum Shelly 3EM besitzt der Pro eine intelligente Skripting-Funktion, hat erweiterte Daten- und Steuerungsfunktionen und eine verbesserte Firmware-Plattform. Des Weiteren kann der Stromzähler den Energiefluss in beide Richtungen berechnen - produzierte als auch verbrauchte Energie für jede der 3 Phasen. Außerdem zeigt er dir die Qualität deines Stromnetzes an, indem er Werte für Wirkleistung, Blindleistung, Spannung und Leistungsfaktor liefert. Die Highlights des Pro 3EM WLAN-, LAN- und Bluetoth Zweiwege-Energieverbrauchsüberwachung Skripting-Funktion 4-Quadranten-Messung (Energieflusserfassung) Auf 1% genauer Messung MODBUS-Unterstützung Stromüberwachung und Steuerung Genauigkeitsklasse B (Wirkenergie) Interner Temperatursensor 4 Wandlereingänge Inklusive 3x Stromwandler 120A Montage: DIN-Schiene Zweiwege-Energieverbrauchsüberwachung Der Pro 3EM hilft dir, unnötige Ausgaben und Spannungsabfälle zu vermeiden, die deine Geräte beschädigen könnten. Er berechnet sowohl die produzierte als auch die verbrauchte Energie für jede der drei Phasen und kann drei separate Stromkreise in einem einphasigen System überwachen. Zusätzlich zeigt er dir die Qualität deines Stromnetzes an. Einschließlich Wirkleistung, Blindleistung, Spannung und Leistungsfaktor. So hast du stehts den Überblick und schützt deine Technik effektiv. Intelligente Steuerung für dein Zuhause Mit den Skripting-Funktionalitäten und Webhooks des Stromzählers kannst du ganz einfach andere Shelly- oder WLAN-Geräte in deinem lokalen Netzwerk steuern. Nutze diese Funktionen, um basierend auf deiner PV-Erzeugung präzise Einstellungen für Heizung, Kühlung oder das Laden deines E-Autos festzulegen. Deine Geräte werden so automatisch vom Stromverbrauch getrennt und smarter verwaltet - ganz ohne Cloud-Verbindung. So reduzierst du Kosten, sparst Energie und optimierst deinen Alltag mühelos. Industrielle Einrichtung Der Shelly unterstützt MODBUS zur genauen Erfassung von Spannung, Strom, Leistung und Energieverbrauch. Du erhältst präzise Messwerte und Momentanwerte, um deinen Energieverbrauch optimal zu überwachen. Dank der Firmware-Plattform kannst du individuelle Anpassungen vornehmen und alle 100ms aktuelle Daten an deine Infrastruktur senden. So behältst du stehts den Überblick und profitierst von einer smarten Energiesteuerung. Solarpanels und deine Anlage auf einen Blick Mit dem Stromzähler kannst du ganz einfach verfolgen, wie viel Energie deine Solarmodule erzeugen. Er liefert dir Echtzeitinformationen deines Systems, sowie historische Daten zu erzeugter und verbrauchter Energie. So behältst du den Energiefluss stehts im Blick und maximierst die Leistung deiner PV-Anlage. Erstklassige Sicherheit für dein smartes Energienetz Der Shelly bietet Sicherheit durch mTLS für MQTT, HTTP und sichere WebSockets. Das bedeutet, du kannst direkt und sicher mit deiner Cloud-Infrastruktur verbinden, ohne teure und komplexe Netzwerke oder VPN`s einrichten zu müssen. So wird dein Energienetz nicht nur smarter, sondern auch sicherer und kosteneffizienter. Volle Harmonie und Übereinstimmung Shelly-Geräte sind mit Alexa, Google Home, Android und IOS kompatibel. So kannst du alles ganz einfach per Sprachbefehl steuern. Lade dir dazu die Shelly Smart Control App im App Store oder auf Google Play herunter. Technische Daten Spannungsversorgung: 110-240V AC Frequenz: 50/60Hz Umgebungstemperatur: -20°C - +40°C Luftfeuchtigkeit: 30-70% relative Luftfeuchtigkeit Spannungsmesser (RMS für jede Phase): 100-260V Strommessgeräte (RMS über CT für jede Phase): 0-120A Frequenzband: 2,4MHz Max. HF-Leistung: <20dBm WLAN-Protokoll: Wi-Fi 802. 11 b/g/h Elektrischer Verbrauch: < 3W WLAN Reichweite Innen: bis zu 30m WLAN Reichweite Außen: bis zu 50m Gewicht: 0,62 kg Abmessungen: 94 x 19 x 69 mm Lieferumfang: 1x Shelly Pro 3EM smarter 3-phasen Stromzähler3x CT120 Stromwandler


  • Shelly Plus Plug S Intelligente Steckdose Smarte App-Steuerung Shelly Plus Plug S Intelligente Steckdose Smarte App-Steuerung

    Shelly Plus Plug S Intelligente Steckdose Smarte App-Steuerung

    Der Shelly Plus Plug S ist dein zukünftiges Energiekontrollzentrum. Mit dem leistungsstarken WLAN-Smart-Stecker hast du die volle Kontrolle über den allgemeinen Stromverbrauch deiner Endgeräte bis zu einer Leistung von 2500W und kannst deinen Energiefluss auf Echtzeit überwachen. Somit hast du immer ein Auge auf deine Beleuchtung, Fernseher, Klimaanlagen und viele weitere Geräte in deinem Haushalt. Die LED-Anzeige kannst du über die App nach deinen eigenen Wünschen anpassen, während die benutzerdefinierten Anzeigemodi dir detaillierte Einblicke bieten. Des Weiteren hast du die Möglichkeit mit individuell gestalteten Zeitplänen deine Energieeffizienz zu optimieren. Produkt-Highlights WLAN-betrieben - kein HUB erforderlich Bluetooth-Verbindung Unterstützung einer Vielzahl an Geräten (bis zu 12A) Stromverbrauchsüberwachung Benutzerdefinierte Zeitpläne Intelligente Zeitschaltuhr URL-Aktionen Anpassbare LED-Anzeige 3 Anzeigemodi - Stromverbrauch, Schalterstatus, Vollständig ausgeschaltet Nachtmodus (reduziert die Helligkeit) Unbegrenzte Potenziale Behalte alle angeschlossenen Geräte im Blick und steuere sie ganz einfach mit ein paar Klicks auf deinem Handy. Dank des eingebauten Countdown-Timers und der gespeicherten Zeitpläne, schaltet der Smart-Plug jedes vergessene Gerät automatisch nach einer halben Stunde ab. Das Gerät erlaubt dir außerdem, jeden Energieverbrauch sofort über ein Smartphone festzustellen. Sobald dir also etwas komisches auffällt, lassen sich die Steckdosen mit den Konsolen-Stromkabeln abschalten oder die Fernseh- und Computerzeit für Jugendliche über die Pläne begrenzen. Durch die smarte Automatisierung vermeidest du unnötige Energieverschwendungen und hast dadurch niedrigere Energiekosten. Anzeigemodi Stromverbrauch: Anzeige durch sanfte Farbwechsel - grün "niedriger Verbrauch (0%) - gelb "mittlerer Verbrauch (50%) - rot "hoher Verbrauch" (100%)Schalterstatus: Durch individuell einstellbare Farben anzeigen lassen, ob der Schalter Ein- oder Ausgeschaltet istVollständig ausgeschaltet: Die LED kann auch komplett ausgestellt werden Sicherheit und Schutz Mit dem Shelly Plus Plug S kannst du beruhigt sein, wenn es um die Sicherheit deiner Kinder geht. Das spezielle Design verhindert den Zugriff auf die Steckdosen, sodass dein Baby oder Kleinkind vollkommen sicher ist, auch wenn in die Steckdose gegriffen wird. Zusätzlich kann auch eine spezielle Abdeckung erworben werden, um noch weiter auf Nummer sicher zu gehen. Volle Harmonie und Übereinstimmung Shelly-Geräte sind mit Alexa, Google Home, Android und IOS kompatibel. So kannst du alles ganz einfach per Sprachbefehl steuern. Lade dir dazu die Shelly Smart Control App im App Store oder auf Google Play herunter. Technische Daten Versorgungsspannung AC: 230V Frequenz: 50/60Hz Max. Schaltspannung AC: 260V Max. Schaltstrom AC: 12A HF-Band: 2400-2495MHz Max. HF-Leistung: <20dBm WLAN-Reichweite Innen: bis zu 30m WLAN-Reichweite Außen: bis zu 50m Umgebungstemperatur: -20°C - +40°C Gewicht: 60g Abmessungen: 44 x 44 x 70 mm Kompatible Steckdosen: CEE 7/1, CEE 7/3 (Typ F / Schuko) oder CEE 7/5 (Typ E) Kompatible Stecker: CEE 7/2, CEE 7/4 (Typ F / Schuko), CEE 7/7, CEE 7/16 (Typ C) oder CEE 7/17 Lieferumfang: 1x Shelly Plus Plug S smarte App-Steuerung Intelligente Steckdose


  • Sungrow Single Phase Meter S100

    Sungrow Single Phase Meter S100

    Introducing the Sungrow Single Phase Smart Energy Meter - an innovative and reliable solution to monitor and manage your energy consumption. Designed for residential use, the Sungrow Single Phase Smart Energy Meter provides accurate and real-time monitoring of your electricity consumption, providing valuable insights to optimize your energy consumption and make informed decisions. Equipped with advanced features and a user-friendly interface, this smart energy meter allows you to take control of your energy consumption. Thanks to secure communication protocols and seamless integration options, installation and compatibility with existing energy management systems is a breeze. Monitor, analyze and optimize your energy consumption with the Sungrow Single Phase Smart Energy Meter - a reliable, smart and efficient solution for a greener and more sustainable future.


  • Sungrow DTU666 (5) (80A)

    Sungrow DTU666 (5) (80A)

    The Sungrow Three-Phase Smart Energy Meter is specially designed for SGx.xRT and SHx.xRT systems and provides accurate and reliable measurement of power consumption in three-phase power grids. Equipped with advanced technology, the Sungrow three-phase smart energy meter provides accurate real-time monitoring and data recording. The high-quality display provides a clear insight into energy consumption so users can keep track of their power consumption patterns. Through seamless integration with SGx.xRT and SHx.xRT systems, this Sungrow smart energy meter enables efficient energy management and optimization. Users can track and analyze their energy consumption to make informed decisions to reduce costs and improve overall efficiency. Sungrow Three-phase Smart Energy Meter DTU 666 (5) (80A) Sungrow's three-phase smart energy meter features a user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation and configuration of settings according to specific requirements. It supports external access so that users can easily monitor and control their energy consumption via connected devices. In addition, Sungrow's three-phase smart energy meter is equipped with robust security measures to ensure data integrity and protect against unauthorized access. It complies with industry standards and provides a safe and reliable energy monitoring solution. Experience the future of energy monitoring with Sungrow's intelligent three-phase energy meter. Take control of your energy consumption, optimize your energy consumption and move towards a sustainable and efficient future. Please note that the features and specifications of Sungrow Three Phase Smart Energy Meter may vary depending on the model and firmware version.


  • SolarEdge Inline Energy Meter with Energy Net, 1PH 230V, 65A SolarEdge Inline Energy Meter with Energy Net, 1PH 230V, 65A

    SolarEdge Inline Energy Meter with Energy Net, 1PH 230V, 65A

    The SolarEdge 1-Phase Inline Energy Meter with Energy Net (part number MTR-240-3PC1-DA-MW) provides real-time insights into your energy usage, helping to reduce your electricity costs and avoid unexpectedly high bills. This inline energy meter from SolarEdge provides highly accurate measurements of both imported and exported energy production and consumption. The MTR-240-3PC1-DA-MW is specifically designed for 1-phase grid connections and supports direct connections up to 65A per phase. The meter communicates wirelessly with all compatible devices via the SolarEdge Energy Net and has optional RS485 support. This model automatically detects SolarEdge inverters and can be easily monitored via SetApp. The energy meter fits into any standard meter cabinet and comes with a 5-year warranty. Benefits of the SolarEdge 1-phase inline energy meter 24/7 insights into the energy production and consumption profile Integrated current transformers for quick installation and lower labor costs Communicates wirelessly with the inverter via the SolarEdge home network Provides an accuracy of ±1% or ±2% depending on the power supply mode Fits easily into standard meter cabinets


  • ABB ZV16-H42.C.CW.CW Consumer unit

    ABB ZV16-H42.C.CW.CW Consumer unit

    Distribution box for solar modules with two additional sockets


  • ABB ZV16-H42.C.CW

    ABB ZV16-H42.C.CW

    Distributor PV inverter 2x combo size 16A / 0.03 + 1 WCD circuit breaker 40A


  • ABB ZV16-H42-DM1.CWW consumer unit

    ABB ZV16-H42-DM1.CWW consumer unit

    Distribution PV converter and kWh 1x circuit breaker B16A 1x RCBO 16A/0.03 main switch 40A


  • ABB ZV16-H42-D.CWW consumer unit

    ABB ZV16-H42-D.CWW consumer unit

    Distribution PV inverter 1x circuit breaker B16A 1x RCBO 16A/0.03 main switch 40A


  • ABB ZV16-H42-CM1.CWW consumer unit

    ABB ZV16-H42-CM1.CWW consumer unit

    Distributor PV converter and kWh 2x RCBO 16A/0.03 main switch 40A


  • ABB SC201-B16NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 16 A

    ABB SC201-B16NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 16 A

    SC201-B16NA Circuit breaker B-Char.,6kA,16A,1P,+NA


  • ABB S804N-C80 High Power MCB ABB S804N-C80 High Power MCB

    ABB S804N-C80 High Power MCB

    The high-performance circuit breakers in the S800N series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits. They have a rated short-circuit breaking capacity of 36kA at 240/415V AC. They can also be used for voltages up to 400/690V AC and for direct voltages. With its thermal release mechanism, it offers equally effective protection against overloads, as does its electromechanical release mechanism against short circuits. The S800N complies with the IEC/EN 60947-2 standard and can be used for industrial purposes. Numerous approvals make it suitable for worldwide use and the extensive range of accessories makes it even more convenient to use. Thanks to the very fast arc extinguishing, your installation is optimally protected with the S800N.


  • ABB S203-C63NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - C - 63 A

    ABB S203-C63NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - C - 63 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S203-C50NA - 3+NP - C - 50 A

    ABB S203-C50NA - 3+NP - C - 50 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S203-C40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - C - 40 A

    ABB S203-C40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - C - 40 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S203-B63NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - B - 63 A

    ABB S203-B63NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - B - 63 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S203-B50NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - B - 50 A

    ABB S203-B50NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - B - 50 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S203-B40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - B - 40 A

    ABB S203-B40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 3+NP - B - 40 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S201-B40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 40 A ABB S201-B40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 40 A

    ABB S201-B40NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 40 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S201-B32NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 32 A

    ABB S201-B32NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 32 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S201-B32NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 32 A

    ABB S201-B32NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 32 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S201-B25NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 25 A ABB S201-B25NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 25 A

    ABB S201-B25NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 25 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB S201-B20NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 20 A

    ABB S201-B20NA Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1+NP - B - 20 A

    The circuit breakers of the S 200 series protect cables and lines against overload and short circuits in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-430 and DIN VDE 0100-530. They comply with the construction regulations DIN VDE 0641-11 or IEC/EN 60898-1, DIN VDE 0660-101 or IEC/EN60947-2 and UL1077. Their patented connection terminal ensures simple and safe contact and handling using a pressure plate. For better visibility when wiring, the connection opening for cables is located above the connection opening for the phase busbar. Conductor cross-sections of up to 35 mm² can be connected directly to the device via the connection terminal with insulation in protection class IP20. The extensive range of accessories offers you everything you need for your installation tasks. Numerous approvals make the S 200 fit for worldwide use. Each device is subjected to three intensive tests for quality and performance before delivery.


  • ABB FH204 A-40/0.03 residual current circuit breaker 4P type A 30 mA

    ABB FH204 A-40/0.03 residual current circuit breaker 4P type A 30 mA

    The FH200 series RCCBs ensure protection for persons and installations against fault currents to earth. A comprehensive range of standard instantaneous tripping devices (AC) and Type A products are particularly suitable for installation in residential applications.


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